Sandwich thrown at Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard

A sandwich has been thrown at Prime Minster Julia Gillard during a school visit in Queensland this morning. The PM was stopping into Marsden High school near Logan in South-east Queensland, when she was mobbed by students. Teachers were reportedly trying to gain control over the unruly crowd, as some kids began yelling abuse at the PM. One student on a footpath yelled 'loser' at the PM, while the mob 'went crazy' according to News Ltd. It was at this point a sandwich was reportedly hurled at the PM. Local P&C President Michelle Campbell told News Ltd she was 'disappointed' in the kids' behaviour. "It was complete chaos," she said. "But kids will be kids". The PM didn't seem to mind, tweeting several photos of herself interacting with the students, without a flying sandwich in sight. Ms Gillard was at the school with Trade Minister Craig Emerson for Australia's Biggest Morning Tea for cancer research and patient support.

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